Mission Statement
Echelon Care is a community based organization that provides specialized treatment services for at risk youth and their families, as well as adults. Our mission is to help individuals lead better, more independent lives by utilizing residential facilities as well as community based services to provide care. To the extent of our agency’s resources, services are designed to be provided for individuals regardless of race, color or national origin, religion, disability, gender, or sexual orientation. Programs focus on the needs of individuals to stabilize home environments, prevent out-of- home placements, to assist with preparing them for the reunification with their families/parental units, transition to foster care or independent living environment. Echelon Care is committed to providing person-centered services while using the most current and effective clinical treatment models. This is accomplished by providing highly trained, qualified staff to implement evidenced-based program models that are best practice, in nature, and are clinically sound.
In a nurturing environment, Echelon Care addresses the emotional, mental, physical, educational and spiritual needs of individuals through mentoring, implementation of interventions, tutoring, educational programming, therapy, cultural enrichment, diversity, life skills training, problem solving techniques, goal setting, recreation therapy and community services activities. Through various services, individuals learn life skill development, personal responsibility, accountability for choices and the importance of giving back to the community and living productive lives.
Treatment Philosophy
Echelon Care utilizes a comprehensive approach to developing the wellness, health, and overall functioning of consumers and their families. This approach is grounded in clinical, case management, and medical techniques, consistent with best practice and evidenced-based treatment modalities. Within the framework of a biopsychosocial assessment and treatment model, interventions are developed and guided from a consumer-centered perspective that is specifically driven by an initial Comprehensive Clinical Assessment (CCA). As the consumer's CCA provides a foundation in which services are rendered, their Person-Centered Plan is their primary treatment/action plan that guides growth and healing. This model is strength-based in nature.
Collaborative and solution-focused, Echelon Care clinicians utilize motivational interviewing techniques to build rapport and partner with consumers in the development of their treatment/person-centered plan. We specifically emphasize cognitive behavioral therapy and link consumers with specialized services on an as-needed basis. This model is consistent with North Carolina System of Care Model.
This is demonstrated on a day-to-day basis with consumers receiving all services, including Intensive In Home Services, Residential Level III Services, Outpatient Therapy Services, Targeted Case Management, and Medication Management Services. For instance, a licensed and/or qualified professional engages with the identified consumer, their guardian, and all identified supports. During the facilitation and development of their Person Centered Plan (PCP), consumer is able to discuss their likes, dislikes, strengths, and areas of concerns. They are also encouraged and supported by Echelon Care to identify associated parties (systems) to participate in their overall development and wellness program.